Thursday, 23 July 2009

Solar Eclipse - Myths and Science

Solar eclipse is a spectacular natural phenomenon, a celestial splendor, an astronomical wonder, a subject and topic of research for scientists .Some of you must be aware of the science behind it,and some the myths and belief behind it. Iam here to look into both and show how the two could coexist on the same platform,so that we could enjoy its splendour and vibrate to the mysteries surrounding it with the sheer sense of pleasure of knowing the unknown.
A Solar Eclipse can occur only when the Moon is in its new phase (on a new Moon day) when Sun and Moon are in conjunction as seen from the Earth. In a solar eclipse Moon is the eclipsing body, passing between Earth and Sun while casting a travelling shadow across Earth’s lighted surface so that the Sun is wholly or partially obscured (covered). There are four types of solar eclipses.A total eclipse when Sun is completely obscured by the Moon. Total eclipses are rare events though they occur. An Annular Eclipse when the Sun and Moon are exactly in line, but size of the Moon is apparently smaller that that of the Sun. A Hybrid eclipse that is intermediate between total and annular eclipse. A partial eclipse when the Sun and Moon are not exactly in line and the Moon only partially obscures the Sun.
Mythological references to eclipse are found in Maha Bhagavatha, Maha Bharatha, and other Vishnu related puranas. In Hindu mythology it is believed that eclipses are caused by Rahu and Kethu.It is said that in the original version of Valmiki Ramayana a description of total solar eclipse is given and a mention of Rahu was made in the context of war between Lord Sri Rama and Khara.
In the Navagraha Sthothram supposed to have been composed by sage Vedavyasa the description of Rahu is well suited and connect to the reference of an eclipse. Rahu sloka is depicted as follows:

"Ardha Kayam Maha Veeram Chandraaditya VimardhanamSimhika Garbhasambhootham Tham Rahum Pranamamyaham"
Customs/beliefs/tradition about eclipse:
Hindus generally observe fast during the period of Vedha, and they do not cook food.-the reason is, it is said that during eclipse most harmful rays can be seen and absorbed and the basic level of vulnerability is high that affects the digestive process and the food gets contaminated.
They take bath as the eclipse begins and also after the eclipse is over.-It is done to cleanse themselves of the harmful radiation given out during the eclipse.
During the period of eclipse perform rituals like prayer, Dharbha ( grass) is used as a remedy and kept on all the items like milk, curd, pickles and stored water during eclipse. -Grass blades (Durva or Garika or Darbha) are kept on stored water and food during the time Grahan. It is not a blind ritual. It’s proven scientifically that Grass blades purify the water more than Tulsi (Ocimum) leaves can during Grahanam. Grass blades have immense purifying power. This is the main reason why grass blades are kept on stored water and food like pickles
Pregnant women are not allowed to move out during the eclipse period and are asked to stay indoors where no sun light enters the room. -This is to avoid possible congenital deformities in the fetus . Santana Gopala Stotra (a mantra to chant during graham by pregnant women) keeps up the health of the pregnant woman as well as the child (Garbhastha Shishu).
Generally people are not allowed to watch the eclipse with naked eyes.-This again is done to avoid ulta violet rays entering the eyes.
Temples are closed during the eclipse time and opened after the eclipse is over after performing special puja and rituals.-This is done because the idols have the power to absorb energy radiation and to hold them within,so as to avoid such energies being absorbed the temple is closed to protect the idols.

This fine bit of nature's drama on the world stage has to be appreciated and integrated into our lives so that nature and man made science and culture can coexist.


  1. Thanks for posting this article.

    I like to get a few clarifications:

    1. Why do we perform darpananm during the Grahanam? Will the ancestors come to earth during this time?
    2. When the moon is covering the sun it could be similar to the night time - why does this create harmful rays? Wouldn't this be similar to night time?
    3. The birds usually come to eat the seeds - surprisingly none of the birds came that evening in our place (Chicago) to eat the seeds. Will the birds and animals know it is Grahanam?
    4. When it is Grahanam in India will the other parts of the world is also affected by this change although it is not visible from our side?

  2. According to the hindu beliefs darpanam is done to help the souls to redeem themselves.scientifically it is done only to cleanse the soul within us and rejuvenate the aura around us.
    2.In solar eclipse the moon comes in between the sun and the earth thereby blocking the radiation which in turn alters the teperature and humidity on the earth surface therby bringng in a series of other changes.
    whereas in a day and night phenomenon the part away from the sun experiences night and the part facing the sun has there is a blocking of radiatons hence it is different.
    3.Aimals and birds have others senses or radars which helps them to identify the changes occuring on the surface of the earth.
    4.yes. it is a universal occurence though we are not able to see it but the effect is there it only varies in degrees.

  3. Very nice and timely post. I was always curious about darbam or grass blades. It has number of uses during our rituals. Can you please further elaborate and discuss, why this parituclar grass blade has gained so much importance.
