Friday, 17 July 2009

Religion, customs and traditions???- Mantras and hymns

I had given a broad outline of the vedas in my previous posts and I had also outlined its relevance in the modern society.The vedas were specifically designed for the audience in that period but the hymns and the mantras which was independent of the prose stands relevant even now. Did you know that mantras originated from hinduism and later adopted by other religions?It was the early development of a science of phonetics in India and around the world. The vibrations creates the necessary impact and transcends into the mind and soul which creates the necessary effect. our vocal chords have magical powers and that is the reason the word Om itself constitutes a mantra,it represents Brahman,the godhead, as well as the whole of creation.Merely pronouncing the syllable is to experience the divine in a direct way. In the world of tantras the universe is sound. The supreme (para) brings forth existence through the Word (Shabda). Creation consists of vibrations at various frequencies and amplitudes giving rise to the phenomena of the world. The purest vibrations are the, the imperishable letters which are revealed to us, imperfectly as the audible sounds and visible forms. It is said the vowels and the consonants represents various forms of nature.Here I would like to quote a verse from Aitrareya-aranya-Upanishad which directly talks about the sound which also indicates that our ancestors did know its importance.

"The mute consonants represent the earth, the sibilants the sky, the vowels heaven.
The mute consonants represent fire, the sibilants air, the vowels the sun?
The mute consonants represent the eye, the sibilants the ear, the vowels the mind"
In effect each letter became a mantra and the language of the Vedas, Sanskrit, corresponds profoundly to the nature of things. Thus the Vedas come to represent reality itself. The seed syllable Om represents the underlying unity of reality, which is Brahman

Mantra Japa was a concept of the Vedic sages that incorporates mantras as one of the main forms of puja, or worship, whose ultimate end is seen as moksha/liberation. Essentially, Mantra Japa means repetition of mantra, and has become an established practice of all Hindu streams, from the various Yoga to Tantra. It involves repetition of a mantra over and over again, usually in cycles of auspicious numbers (in multiples of three), the most popular being 108. For this reason, Hindu malas (bead necklaces) developed, containing 108 beads and a head "meru" bead. The devotee performing japa using his/her fingers counts each bead as he/she repeats the chosen mantra. Having reached 108 repetitions, if he/she wishes to continue another cycle of mantras, the devotee must turn the mala around without crossing the "meru" bead and repeat.
It is said that through japa the devotee attains one-pointedness, or extreme focus, on the chosen deity or principle idea of the mantra. The vibrations and sounds of the mantra are considered extremely important, and thus reverberations of the sound are supposed to awaken the prana or spiritual life force and even stimulate chakras.
Any sloka from holy Hindu texts like the Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Yoga Sutra, even the Mahabharata , Ramayana, Durga saptashati or Chandi are considered powerful enough to be repeated to great effect, and have therefore the status of a mantra.
A very common mantra is formed by taking a deity's name. Called Nama japa and saluting it in such a manner: "Om namah ------" or "Om Jai ------" or several such permutations. Common examples are "Om namah Shivaya" , "Om Namo Narayanaya"; or "Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevãya," , "Om Shri Ganeshaya Namah" and "Om Kalikayai Namah" and "Om Hrim Chandikãyai Namah."

So you could see it profound effect,though on the surface it appears to be irrelevant and non suggestive ,it has powers equal to that of two burning stars.So, readers when you recite a sloka or a mantra, do it with concentration and I can assure you, it will bring in profound effect into your lives and empower you, with sufficient knowledge, to tell the future generation the path it must follow.S o it is not meaningless, but science, that is involved and it is also touching the roots of psychology. So let us learn to appreciate and be proud of our religion and its richness and be ready to share it with one and all.
Here are some Hymns from the vedas and I have tried to give the closest meaning:
Rig veda-verse 1.164.46
" Idham Mitram Agnim Aahu atho;
Dhivya Sah Suparnah Garuthman
E'kam Sath Viprah Bahudhah Vadhanthi,Agnim;
Yama Matharisvaanam Aahuh"
They call Him (It) Indra,Mitra,Varuna,Agni;and
He is the heavenly nobly-winged Garuthman
To what is one,sages give many a title,agni,
yama,matharisvan they call it.
Aakaasat pathitham thoyam yathaa gacchathi saagaram
Sarva deva namaskarah keshavam prathigacchathi
keshavam prathigacchathi om nama iti
Just as all the water that fall from the sky inescapably reach the sea,
let all salutations to all dieties reach only kesava;
Indeed they only reach kesava.
"Here are some common vedic prayers which you might also be reciting:
Kaaye'na vaachaa manasendriyair vaa
Bhuddhyaathmanaa vaa prakrthe' svabhaavaath
Karomi yadyat sakalam parasmai
Naarayanaayethi samarpayaami"
I dedicate to the supreme person naarayanaa all that I do
by means of the body,words,mind,by the organs of action,
the organs of knowledge and by the impulsion of nature.
"Om!Asatho maa sath gamaya
Thamaso maa jyothirgamaya
Mirthyo maa amrrutham gamaya
om shanthih ;shanthih;santhih"
Lead me from the unreal to the real
from darkness(ignorance) to light(knowledge)
from death to immortality
om peace! peace!peace!be unto thy soul.
"Om!sahanaavavatu sahanau bhunaktu
Sahveeryam Karavaavah
Thejasvinaa vadheethamastu maa vidvishaa vahaih:
Om shanthih shanthih om!
May He,the supreme lord,protect us both,
the teacher and the student.May he nourish us both.
May our study be thorough and fruitful.
May we not hate each other.
Om peace, peace ,peace be unto thee.
"Om! bhadram karnebhih shrunuyaama devaah
Bhadram pashyemaakshabhir yajathraah
Sthirairangai sthushuvaagum sastanoobhih
Yashema devahitham yadhaayuh
Svasthi na indhro vriddhashravaah
Svasthi nah pooshaa vishva vedaah
Svasthi nasthaakshyo arishtanmeih
Svasthi no brihaspathir dhadhaathu
Om! shanthih shanthih;shanthih om!
O Ye! gods! may we hear with our ears only what is auspicious
May we see with our eyes only what is auspicious
may we who sing your praise
live our allotted span of life in perfect health and vigor
may indra who is praised by the devotees
vouchsafe to us safety and well being
may the all known pooshan grant us safety
may garuda and brihaspathi grant us well being
om! peace, peace, peace be unto you!
These are the common ones, which everyone can recite, as their daily prayer and i have written in english, for the benefit of readers, who cannot read or write or understand any other language.
There is a common negative talk, about hindu religion that we have to say prayers in an unknown those of you who think sanskrit, is not a language for you, then you can say your prayers in english itself that is why i have written in english as are speaking to god so the language doesn't matter it is what we convey and the love and devotion that you express.

1 comment:

  1. The recent solar eclipse has raised many questions regarding the 'dos' and 'donts'. There are broadly 2 schools of thought - one which follows rules such as not eating during an eclipse, not exposing oneself outside, taking a shower after an eclipse, restrictions for pregnant women etc. They believe that the intensity of the solar energy could have adverse effects. The other school of thought aims to scientifically negate these beliefs. Although both schools of thought are justified in their own way, there seems to be a middle ground where belief and science both agree. What is it?

    Latha and the Boys
