Wednesday, 22 July 2009

kundalini sakthi......

In my last post I had given some guidelines regarding the activation of the chakras,and the topic would be incomplete without the reference to kundalini sakthi.According to the philosophy of Tantra, the entire universe is a manifestation of pure consciousness. In manifesting the universe, this pure consciousness seems to become divided into two poles or aspects, neither of which can exist without the other.

One aspect, Shiva, is masculine, retains a static quality and remains identified with unmanifested consciousness. Shiva has the power to be but not the power to become or change. The other aspect, Shakti, is feminine, dynamic, energetic and creative. Shakti is the Great Mother of the universe, for it is from her that all form is born.According to Tantra, the human being is a miniature universe. All that is found in the cosmos can be found within each individual, and the same principles that apply to the universe apply in the case of the individual being.

In human beings, Shakti, the feminine aspect is called Kundalini. This potential energy is said to rest at the base of the spinal cord. The object of the Tantric practice of Kundalini-yoga is to awaken this cosmic energy and make it ascend through the psychic centres, the chakras, that lie along the axis of the spine as consciousness potentials. She will then unite above the crown of the head with Shiva the pure consciousness.The brahma-randhra is the meeting place of the kundalini sakthi. Immortality is achieved within this chakra.Before attaining to this chakra yogis are unable to reach the unconscious state called the asama-prajnata samadhi.In this state there is no activity of the mind and no knower,no knowledge,nothing to be known.knowledge, the knower and known things all become unified and liberated. This union is the aim of Kundalini-yoga: a resolution of duality into unity again, a fusion with the Absolute. By this union the adept attains liberation while living which is considered in Indian life to be the highest experience: an union of the individual with the universe.


  1. Questions for Clarification.

    1. Can you please cite few examples of people getting liberated by practicing this yoga?

    2. We have many differnt types of yogas in the literature. It seems like each one of them states unification with higher soul or paramatma as their end objective. At some point can you please address these differnt yoga and explain the differences.

    3. How and when (at what stage in life) does one practice this kundalini yoga? or is this particular yoga not really practiced but just attained due to ones spiritual consciousness.

    4. one final question related to yoga and yogis. some time back you made a passing comment "Siddhan pitthana alayuvan". After thinking about this matter all these years I still could not comprehend or come up with an answer. Why and what circumstances will drive a "siddhan" to become a "pitthan".


  2. 1.All great saints and rishis in our times and ancient times are examples of this yoga.For example Buddha,Mahavir Ramakrishna Paramahamsare,even swami ragavendra all attained bliss through this yoga.when one attains this state they attain samadhi.Samadhi is the pure bliss of total inactivity. Up to the sixth chakra the yogi may enter a trance in which activity or form still remains within the consciousness. In Sahasrara Chakra the prana moves upward and reaches the highest point. The mind establishes itself in the
    pure void of Shunya Mandala, the space between the hemispheres.At this time all feelings, emotions and desires, which are the activities of the mind, are dissolved into their primary cause. The union is achieved. The yogi is sat-chit-ananda, truth-being-bliss.
    2.This kind of yoga can be practised by anybody but it is usually done by yogis and rishis and it is at the sanyasam stage it is highly recommended.It is a difficult one,especially when you have a family and earthly bondings.
    A Siddhan is a devotee,he becomes a pithan when he starts believing that even devotion is a form of attachment,which isalso not necessary for him and loses attachment in everything.

  3. I read that Paramacharya once told that He agrees to keep flowers and garland on His head because that is where Devi resides. Does it mean that He said that because He has attained that stage. And what happens after the yogis attain samadi? Why do we worship only a few samadis of the yogi? Is it their choice?
    I saw a board in front of a house claiming to teach kundalini yoga. Is it possible?
    looking forward to your post.

  4. 1.This can be for two is that he has devi above everything.she controls his mind.second one could be that he has almost attained that stage,because if i say he has attained then he will be in a blissful state.
    some of them remain in that state for several hundreds of years.if they decide to help the community then they ask us to put forth their prayers.some of them don't like to be disturbed so we don't disturb them.yes. it is their choice.
    That is absolute bogus.noone has achieved that level of expertise, other than the rishis and yogis.I am very sure they are not living admist us.

  5. Kriya Yoga : Kriya means action and Yoga means integration. Kriya Yoga emphasises integration of separative consciousness (generated by unceasing movement of thought) with an awakenedness (that is, a non-elective holistic attention free from mental fragmentations) through actions of perception and not through the activities of conceptualisation.

    It transforms fundamentally the gross ego-centre of the seeker into a subtle individual uniqueness which also includes universality. It brings harmony with the wholeness of life by piercing through the ignorance of the ways of self. It is a unique combination of Hatha-Raja-Laya Yoga.

  6. do yoy remember reading about "kriya yoga" in the book "autobiography of a Yogi" It is written that Baba took that form only to spread kriya yoga. Have you come across that type of yoga as taught by Him.I think you have to give a detailed account of the three types of yoga you have mentioned
